Evaluations from outside the company
Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations 2021: White 500

Earth Corporation has been certified as a “Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2022–White 500–,” selected jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, for the second consecutive year.
We consider employee health management to be an important management issue, and we have established cross-divisional teams to specifically promote health management. We employ full-time occupational health physicians, and in October 2019, we created the “Earth Health Declaration.”
We have established a structure for close collaborations with health insurance unions, analyzing and disclosing the results of health checkups, and incorporating these results into various initiatives. We enhance various HR systems to promote flexible work styles, conduct full medical checkups and provide vaccinations at offices, subsidize expenses for measles and influenza, and regularly hold seminars to offer knowledge about employee and group health.
We will continue to promote employee health management and maintain healthy work environments based on the corporate philosophy that “We act to live in harmony with the Earth.”
STOP Infection Award Grand Prize

Earth Corporation received the Grand Prize for its “MA-TTM” technology in the 1st STOP Infection Awards, a division of the 7th Japan Resilience Award 2021 presented by the Association for Resilience Japan. This award recognizes advanced initiatives that contribute to infection countermeasures.
As a leading company in household insecticide products, we make efforts to proliferate correct information and provide education about household insecticide products, and promote a variety of activities throughout the world aimed at reducing mosquito-borne infections as much as possible. We feel that our mission, by using this experience and expertise and encouraging the broad use of “MA-TTM” technology, is to expand economic effects by increasing society’s trust in “MA-TTM” and create new industries, and to investigate its potential for resolving social issues.
News release: “Earth receives 1st STOP Infection Award Grand Prize”
Toyo Keizai CSR Ranking

Earth Corporation received high evaluations in all of the items in the 15th CSR Ranking (2021) announced by Toyo Keizai, Inc. We received AAA ranking for Workforce and HR Utilization, Environment, Governance, Legal Compliance and Internal Controls, and Corporate Citizenship.
The goal of this CSR ranking, which has been conducted by Toyo Keizai every year since 2005, is to select companies that have earned the trust of society from the perspectives of both CSR and finances.