Materiality: Responding to climate change
Environmental awareness
Mitigating climate change, the most serious of global environmental issues, and accommodating those mitigation activities, could have an impact on the growth of Earth Corporation’s business in the medium to long term. Increasingly serious abnormal weather resulting from climate change, including increasing average temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns, could also impact the entire value chain surrounding our business. We are aware that responding to climate change is a management issue that ties into corporate value in the medium and long term.
Basic approach
As a company that “acts to live in harmony with the Earth,” we conduct business activities in harmony with the global environment. We will actively work to resolve issues in all of our business activities, with an awareness that climate change issues and responses to those issues are important management issues tied into corporate value. Earth Corporation conducts the following initiatives to contribute to achieving a carbon-free society.
- Reduce CO2emissions
- Promote a transition to renewable energy for electric power
President Kawabata serves as Chairman of the CSR & Sustainability Promotion Committee, bearing direct responsibility for the supervision and management of initiatives including the creation of policies and strategies for responding to climate change, putting in place risk management structures, establishing targets and indexes, and managing progress. We have put in place a structure for responding to climate change under the direction of the Board of Directors, by first conducting discussions at meetings of the Strategy Council*, and then deciding on and reviewing policies and strategies related to these responses, while also reporting to the Board of Directors on the achievement of targets.
*Strategy Council
A council for prior discussions on important items, including items to be brought up at meetings of the Board of Directors and items requiring decisions by the President
Chairman: President Kawabata
Council members: Executive officers nominated by President Kawabata
Frequency of meetings: As deemed appropriate
Earth Corporation conducts initiatives to control and respond to climate change.
Indexes and targets
[KPIs] Reduce CO2emissions:
Compared to 2020 (Scope 1, 2)
・ 14% reduction (2023)
・ 28% reduction (2026)
・ 46% reduction (2030)
Transition to renewable energy:
・ Renewable energy at plants [renewable energy rate: 60%] (2023)
・ Renewable energy at R&D Center [renewable energy rate: 90%] (2026)
・ Renewable energy at offices* [renewable energy rate: 95%] (2030)
*Excluding tenant offices