Participation in initiatives
UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact (UNGC) is a voluntary initiative through which companies and organizations act as a good member of society and participate in creating global frameworks to achieve sustainable growth by demonstrating responsible and creative leadership. Earth Corporation has undertaken “CSV management” aimed at resolving social issues through its core business activities; for example, preventing infections by providing household insecticide products.
Since 2017, we have selected outside directors responsible for promoting sustainability and corporate governance, and in 2019, we established a division responsible for promoting sustainability activities within the Management Headquarters. In 2020, we appointed an executive director in charge of promoting sustainability, and in 2021, we established the CSR & Sustainability Promotion Department (formerly the CSR/Sustainability Office) within the Group Management Headquarters as a division that acts under the direct jurisdiction of the president. We also created the Earth Group Global Conduct Guidelines, and since becoming a UNGC participant, we have conducted original activities in keeping with 10 principles in four fields; for example, we have our suppliers complete a “CSR procurement self-assessment” survey regarding labor, human rights, the environment, and preventing corruption.
Our recent new membership in the UNGC has provided us with an opportunity to communicate to our stakeholders worldwide our activities in the business of resolving social issues, based on our corporate philosophy. Our Medium-term Management Plan puts forward the goal of expanding global business, and we will continue to promote sustainability activities on a global scale in the fields of the Environment (E), Social (S), and Governance (G), through business activities that strive to resolve a variety of social issues.
Earth Group Global Conduct Guidelines

The 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact
- 1.Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
- 2.make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
- 3.Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
- 4.the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
- 5.the effective abolition of child labor; and
- 6.the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
- 7.Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
- 8.undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
- 9.encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- 10.Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Support for TCFD recommendations

In October 2022, Earth Corporation expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Earth Group promotes sustainable management to contribute to a sustainable society and achieve sustainable growth for the company. We will conduct analyses and studies in compliance with TCFD recommendations and strive for active information disclosure to “Respond to climate change,” which is one of the Group’s materiality issues.

Earth Corporation is also a member of the Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA), which aims to resolve the problem of plastic pollution in the ocean. CLOMA was established in January 2019 to accelerate open innovations such as the sustainable use of plastic products, appropriate management of plastic waste, and the development and introduction of alternate materials. We participate in technology subcommittees that undertake frequent information exchanges and collaborations, and actively gather and transmit information related to 3R and material development technologies. At the same time, we will strengthen environment-friendly initiatives moving forward to resolve global environmental issues including plastic pollution in the ocean.
Welco Lab

WELCO Lab encourages Japanese companies to contribute to resolving issues through activities that leverage their respective strengths, focusing mainly on the global healthcare field in low- and middle-income countries. Earth has participated in this initiative since it was first created, announcing that we will “use MA-T technologies developed through open innovations to develop new solutions for preventing infectious diseases by 2030.” By developing new sterilizers and disinfectants to reduce the number of microorganisms in spaces and environments, we will strive to prevent and control infections and reduce deaths resulting from infectious diseases.
Association for Resilience Japan

Earth Corporation supports the intent of the Association for Resilience Japan–to create a country that is strong and resilient in the face of major disasters that could occur in the future; namely, a country that can protect human life, avoid critical damage to important social and national functions, minimize damage to national assets and public facilities, and execute rapid recovery. In addition to business continuity management in the event of a disaster, when a major disaster occurs, we provide aid in the form of products to affected areas, related to oral hygiene and prevention of insect-born infections. We have also entered agreements with Ako City in Hyogo Prefecture, where our research and production bases are located, to be specified as a disaster evacuation location and to assist in the transport of goods. In recognition of these activities, we received the Association’s “Resilience Certification.”
STOP Infectious Diseases 2020 Strategy Conference

Participating in proposals for preventing various infectious diseases from a corporate perspective
Earth Corporation supports the intent of STOP Infectious Diseases 2020 Strategy Conference activities, which position the year of the Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic games, a mass international gathering with many visitors from overseas, as an important year for preventing infectious diseases. We participate in the working group to prevent insect-borne infectious diseases.
We offer suggestions to governments and municipalities, healthcare professionals, long-term care staffs, and insurance professionals on a variety of initiatives and solutions for preventing infectious diseases. We also strive to communicate a broad range of accurate information to the general population to help prevent the spread of infections. Through the STOP Infectious Diseases 2020 Strategy Conference, where specialists recommend solutions, we make efforts to reduce the damages caused by infectious diseases in the event of disasters and under normal circumstances as well.