Earth Corporation

Medium-Term Business Plan

Earth Corporation has formulated a new three-year medium-term business plan, ‘Act For SMILE COMPASS 2026’, with the fiscal year ending December 2026 as the final year, with the aim of increasing corporate value. Based on a review of the previous medium-term business plan, we have identified issues and established three key policies. Under each of these key policies, we will promote various initiatives and use this period to build a foundation for growth from 2027 onwards.

The three focused policies are 1) Expand sales overseas,2) Transform the earnings structure,and 3) Enhancing group management.

Action on each focused policy

1 Expand sales overseas

 ・We will implement sales strategies and measures tailored to the local situation and drive market share in each country.
 ・In export business, we will expand our footprint with a focus on our unique insecticides & repellents products and invest resources in highly marketable areas.

 ・We will establish a system for procurement, production, and logistics to ensure smooth supply in line with a product development plan.

 ・We will define talent requirements for international activities and reform our human resource system for poeple working overseas.
 ・We will enrich global human resources through planned transfer, development, and hiring.

2 Transform the earnings structure

 ・With future potential and profitability in mind, we will aim for improving efficiency with a target to reduce SKUs by 30%.
 ・We will revisit marketing investment allocation and actively invest into bath salts and oral hygiene categories.

 ・We will redefine our brand value for customers and promote marketing to become a brand loved for many years.
 ・We will make improvements more accurately by re-designing brand KPIs and enhancing monitoring of communication activities.

 ・We will lower return rates with a target to reduce insecticides & repellents returns to zero, thus contributing to reducing environmental burden as well.

3 Enhancing group management

 ・We will restructure and consolidate functions for optimization across the group to generate cost synergies.

 ・We will position M&A as one of the tools to solve challenges at Earth Group and build a system for actively evaluating and promoting M&A.
 ・We will redefine an M&A longlist/shortlist and revamp PMI strategy.

 ・We will fully monitor situations after investment and establish a better way of identifying challenges quickly and discussing how to address them.

Cash Allocation

We will improve profitability and stock efficiency and increase cash generation by promoting earnings structure transformation.

This is an image of the Cash allocation. We expect to generate approximately JPY 27.5 billion in operating cash flow in the three years from 2024. At the same time, we plan to invest approximately JPY 30 billion, while also using borrowings as a source of funds for investment. In addition, approximately JPY 7.8 billion is expected to be returned to shareholders.
Interest-bearing debt
 ‐ Agile approach to procuring debt when necessary
 ‐ D/E ratio: 0.3-0.4x - ensuring a sound financial foundation
Investment (Approx. ¥30 billion planned)
 ‐ Structural transformation capital: ¥5-6 billion
 ‐ Investment in infrastructure/IT degital: ¥15 billion (¥5 billion/year)
 ‐ Investment in human resources: ¥1 billion
 ‐ Capital for the future: ¥10 billion
Shareholder returns policy
 ‐ Distribution of stable dividends aiming for a DOE target of 4%
 ‐ Consider flexible share buyback programs

Quantitative targets

As of 2026, the results of the structural reforms will start to become visible, but they are only a passing point, and after three years of preparation, dramatic growth will be achieved from 2027 onwards.

  2023 Realized 2026 Plan Rise & Fall


Consolidated Sales ¥158.3 billion ¥170.0 billion +¥11.7 billion

Overseas Sales
(Sales ratio)

¥17.5 billion
¥25.0 billion
+¥7.5 billion
Operating Income ¥6.37 billion ¥7.00 billion +¥0.63 billion

Operating Income Margin

4.0% 4.1% +0.1pt
Net Income attributable to owners of parent ¥4.1 billion ¥4.3 billion +¥0.2 billion

Capital efficiency

ROE 6.3% 7.2% +0.9pt
ROIC 5.6% 5.4% -0.2pt
WACC 4.6% 4.1% -0.5pt
Financial health D/E ratio 0.15x 0.3 - 0.4x  
Shareholder returns DOE 4.0% maintain 4% level  

*On a management accounting basis.Cosolidated adjustments, e.g., internal eliminations not included.

Medium-to-long-term Concept

To drive the long-term growth of Earth Group, we will solidify the group management foundation by building governance that supports international businesses and other growth fields, and restructuring organizational functions for generating synergies, thereby aiming to improve profit margins from 2027 onward.

This is an image of our medium-to-long-term concept. Our slogan is ‘Our Group Working Together, Toward a Bright Tomorrow for EARTH’. Under the medium-term management plan ‘COMPASS 2023’, which runs until 2023, the Group has been working on expanding its revenue base in Asia, generating group synergies, ESG-driven open innovation, and renewing its operating process and operating system, with the aim of building a foundation for diversified business development. Under the three-year medium-term management plan ‘Act For SMILE COMPASS 2026’, which starts in 2024, we will transform its earnings structure and build a framework to restructure the Group and enhance its profit structure. Act For SMILE COMPASS 2026 has three focused policies. The first is to increase overseas sales. We will work to grow our market share, cultivate markets and review our business. The second is to generate revenue in Japan. We will work to shift our business portfolio and optimise resource allocation. Third, we will build a foundation of the Group. We will work to enhance oversight of overseas companies and Group companies, enhance M&A capabilities, and improve the profitability of investments. From 2027 onwards, we plan to focus on enhancing global expansion and creating a second revenue pillar after Insecticides&Repellents, with the aim of maximising Group sales and profits.

Related material : Earnings Briefing Materials for the Fiscal Year Ended December 2023 and the New Mid-term Business Plan (PDF:3,199KB)

Related material : EARTH GROUP Profile(PDF format, 9,053KB)

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