Earth Corporation

Initiatives related to evaluation and compensation

Fair evaluation and compensation systems

Encouraging employees to take on challenges

Evaluations are conducted according to the employee’s employment management category, and are used in HR management to decide on roles, salaries, and other compensation, as well as in HR activities aimed at fostering independent employees who can take on challenges. Employees are evaluated from various perspectives according to their respective roles; for example, performance evaluations based on target management; behaviors that generate results; the ability to effectively carry out assigned duties; and passion as a member of the team. The company also emphasizes communication between subordinate staffs and superiors, from the perspective of HR development and achieving team goals, so regular interviews and feedback on evaluation results are essential. In this way, we strive to maintain transparency in evaluations and clarify accountability for managers, and to support the growth of employees and the creation of acceptable work environments.

In-house job posting system

In 2019, we established an in-house job posting system based on the Earth HR Management Policy of “Providing opportunities and work that encourages employees to take on challenges.” The goal of this system, in which divisions seeking applicants post notices within the company, and employees are free to respond to these postings, is to provide motivated employees with the opportunity to take on challenges, to ensure the assignment of appropriate employees in the appropriate positions, and to invigorate the company environment. Job openings are posted on the in-house intranet for all employees, and applicants respond directly to the HR management Department to protect the confidentiality of application information. Selections for these positions are made carefully based on document reviews and interviews. Up to now, about 20 divisions have made use of this in-house job posting system.

Employee satisfaction surveys

Employee satisfaction surveys

Since 2020, Earth Corporation has conducted employee satisfaction surveys to improve employee satisfaction and identify issues in the organization. For two consecutive years, the company has achieved a comparatively high level of overall satisfaction, at 3.46, but we are aware that while there are employees who feel quite satisfied with their work, there are also employees who are dissatisfied with certain items. It would be difficult for all employees to be satisfied with every item raised, but in order to maximize satisfaction for as many employees as possible, we will continue our efforts to maintain satisfaction where many employees already feel content, and to improve conditions for items where scores were lower.

Invigorating communications

Invigorating communications

We have introduced a mechanism through which employees can send each other points along with messages or expressions of gratitude, to create an organizational culture of praise and to invigorate communications that transcend the boundaries of divisions. Over the roughly 18 months since the system was implemented, there have been around 92,000 posts and more than 4 million “applauses,” suggesting that the system has grown to become an essential communication tool for Earth employees.

Employee awards

Employee awards

Through various awards, we strive to create an organizational culture of praise, and to maintain and improve employee motivation.

  • Employee awards (President’s Special Award; Contribution Award)
  • Awards for continued years of service
  • Retirement awards

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